
Roots Judaism School - 

Or haGan established the first new religious school in the Jewish community in many years. We welcome the fresh energy and participation of the young children of the Jewish community. Continuation of a multi-faceted curriculum teaching cultural tradition, Judaic studies, observance, and synagogue skills in Biblical and modern Hebrew is vital to the growth of our community and to perpetuating the Jewish people. We depend on the interest and energy of Or haGan members to build this vital source of Jewish continuity.

Or haGan Talmud Torah (Shorshim—Roots School) meets weekly and is considering a second afternoon slot this year for the deeper study of Hebrew language and Jewish culture. Our calendar is from mid-September to mid- June (32 weeks).

We have a close-knit and arts/music-oriented classes with a comprehensive participatory program for children ages 5-12. Families are very involved with our little school.

Our curriculum covers Jewish practice, the Calendar and Holy Days, Hebrew language, Bible, History, Jewish ideas and thought, liturgy and music, Jewish Law and Custom, folklore, Yiddish and many other subjects. Our staff consists of Yona Ash as head teacher and principal, Charlotta Tinlan as teacher, and Rabbi Jonathan Seidel. All are outstanding and experienced Jewish educators.

Tuition is $500 annually for each child, with a discount of 10% for the second sibling. Our students and families are also expected to be members of Or haGan.

B'nai Mitzvah Program "Flowering Roots" -

Or haGan believes that cultivating the garden is the highest spiritual task and ours is one that combines "competency" and spiritual direction and development. It is minimally a two year program, but we allow for more advanced students to move through the program quickly, with a 13 year old threshold for the ceremony. Our typical Bar Mitzvah program consists of training in Jewish life and synagogue skills (listed below) in "Middot" and "Musar" (Jewish interpersonal skills and values) as well as deepening the sense community responsibility and tzedakah. Wilderness Torah and Vision Quest is also incorporated into the 6th and 7th grade life cycling experience. We expect each child to meet the criteria of our program but allow for flexibility and emphasis in one of the constituent elements of the program. Our graduates are then fully prepared to participate in adult Jewish life and enter into a variety of teenage Jewish education, camping and youth groups. Or haGan is in active collaboration with post B'nai Mitzvah Jewish identity programs currently operating in Eugene.

  • Tropes (cantillation)

  • Deepening Hebrew Skills

  • Torah Reading

  • Haftarah

  • Delivery of a Drash (Sermon)

  • Leading a component of the Service

  • Tzedakah Project or devotion of money

  • Wilderness/Vision Quest/Gardening Experience with Adults

Adult Education -

We are looking forward to offering an adult B'nai mitzvah program that will allow anyone over the age of 18 to become empowered to lead the prayers, read Hebrew, lein Torah (read in chant mode from the Scroll), and give a D'var Torah (homily or sermon). The length of this program will most likely be two years. In addition, the Rabbi offers community classes in Talmud, Hebrew, liturgy, and a variety of topics in Jewish studies. Please sign up below to receive information about our upcoming adult ed. study groups and classes, as well as private tutoring by our Rabbi